2023 Foundation Updates


The Marcus Foundation was established in memory of Mark S.Niziak Jr ("Marcus") who died of a brain tumor  shortly after his 5th birthday. The purpose of the Foundation is primarily to sponsor brain tumor research being conducted at the Massachusetts General Hospital ("MGH"). In addition, the Foundation also supports the Marcus Fund for Families, which was established to help defray the cost to families with children being treated at MGH for brain tumors and other neurological diseases. 

Replicating our past golf tournament program, click on the following link for Foundation updates from:

  1. Dr. William T Curry, Chief Medical Officer MGH, Director Neurosurgical Oncology, discussing the amazing progress being made in the treatment of brain tumors;

  2. Dr. Amy Armstrong-Javors, Pediatric Neurologist, discussing the many families assisted by the Marcus Fund for Families; and

  3. Jackie MacMullan, the legendary sports writer, and good friend of the foundation, offering her unique perspective of the Boston sports scene.

Link to Video Updates

I think you would agree that it is truly gratifying to see what your support has accomplished. However the battle continues and we are reaching out to  you today to ask that you continue to support the Foundation so we can continue to provide these much needed grants.

While a contribution in any amount is greatly appreciated, as an incentive, we are offering three cash prize giveaways in the amount of $500, $1,000 and $1,500.  To be eligible to win a cash prize, you must contribute a minimum of $25. However, as an added incentive to increase your contribution, for every $100 contributed to the Foundation, you will receive 10 chances to win a prize. For example, a contribution of $300 would result in 30 entries to win one of the cash prizes.

Contributions made be made online by clicking below or by check mailed to:


Marcus Foundation
c/o Mark Niziak
7 Cutler Street
Hopedale Ma 01747

The three winners will be announced on April 30, 2024 via email and on our Facebook page, so please make sure you are enrolled in our mailing list and follow us on Facebook.  To do so, click the links below:

Join Our Mailing List
Facebook Page Link

If you are on Facebook, we ask that you visit the page and both "like" and "share" it .

Our goal is to increase this year's grant by $20,000. To do so, we will need to expand our audience so we ask that you send this communication to family and friends and encourage them to participate.

Thank you for your past support and hopefully you will be able to assist us in continuing the battle that Marcus so valiantly fought.


Mark Niziak
President, The Marcus Fund 

Foundation Video Updates

As we have done in past years at our golf tournament, we wanted to provide you with some Foundation updates

Mark Niziak Milestone Benefiting the Marcus Foundation

Mark Niziak Milestone Benefiting the Marcus Foundation

Over the weekend, family and neighbors of Mark Niziak held a surprise party for him in honor of his 70th  birthday. The theme was "$70 for 70" and benefitted the Marcus Foundation. We are pleased to report that the event was enormously successful.

Thanks to everyone who made it possible.

Also, remember to keep a  watch out for the announcement of our Fall Raffle,  coming in September. We are excited about the event .

Update: Marcus Fund for Families

As we reported earlier,  The Marcus Fund for Families (the "Fund")  is now under the auspices of Dr. Armstrong - Javors . The Fund is designed to help families with children being treated at the Massachusetts General  Hospital for brain tumors and other neurological diseases to offset certain incidental  expenses associated with their care. Dr. Armstrong-Javors has recently provided me with three Marcus Fund vignettes which I am pleased to share below:

  • G, an 11 year old boy who loves to swim, recently experienced recurrence of his tumor years after completion of chemotherapy. He is now undergoing another round of chemotherapy and his tumor has left him blind and with cognitive difficulties. G lives with his young single mother and has limited resources, so she was so happy to learn that we would be able to provide meal tickets and gas money for their weekly trips to the clinic through the Marcus Fund.

  • B, a 3 year old boy who loves action heroes, was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and has undergone surgery, radiation therapy, and now chemotherapy. His hair is finally growing back and he is starting to talk more. B is a feisty kid and full of energy who lives with his grandmother far from the hospital. Through the Marcus Fund, we were able to provide gas cards and parking passes to the MGH garage.  

  • M, a 10 year old boy who recently emigrated to America, was diagnosed with a brain tumor which has worsened despite treatment. M has trouble talking and walking but loves going to school and especially loves soccer. He is always smiling. The Marcus Fund was able to provide meal tickets and parking passes to help his family with weekly expenses around his care.

I am  sure that you will  agree that it is truly gratifying to hear such stories. While the Marcus Fund has been able to assist many such families , there are so many others needing our assistance. Accordingly, we ask that you continue to support the Marcus  Foundation so that we are able to continue the battle that Marcus so valiantly fought. 

Look for the announcement concerning our Fall Raffle in early September which we hope that you will  share with friends and family. As always, any donations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Mark Niziak
President, The Marcus Fund 

Marcus Foundation Update: We Need Your Assistance This Fall

Marcus Foundation Update: We need your assistance this fall to achieve our lofty goal of increasing our annual support to MGH by an additional $20,000 for next year.